Kaspersky discovered ‘SparkCat’ malware aimed at stealing cryptocurrency in multiple iOS apps.
A new case of iPhone malware has been discovered in apps downloaded from the App Store. It reads your screenshots looking for ...
SparkCat is a malware that hides in legitimate and malicious apps in order to steal sensitive data from screenshots.
This is the first known case of an app infected with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) spyware being found in Apple’s ...
A new piece of malware has been discovered on the App Store that attempts to steal information from unsuspecting users by ...
Malware that includes code for reading the contents of screenshots has been found in suspicious App Store apps for the first ...
"This case once again shatters the myth that iOS is somehow impervious to threats posed by malicious apps targeting Android,” ...
Researchers have discovered new apps containing malware on both Apple's and Google's app store. Notably, it's the first time ...
A sneaky piece of iOS and Android malware is out in the wild, stealing sensitive information captured via screenshots.
The malware targeting Android and iOS is hidden in inconspicuous-looking apps. These apps gain access to photos and use text ...
OCR spyware is a new threat for the App Store. Other forms of malware have happened before, but it’s rare. A few of the infected apps include WeTink, ComeCome, and ChatAI. It seems to mainly be a part ...
In what appears to be a first, a strain of malware that can secretly steal screenshots from smartphones has infiltrated the Apple App Store. The so-called “SparkCat” malware was discovered ...