With all of the vessels that come and go from Diego Garcia, Corsica is the most important because she provides the primary logistical support to the people and commands working on the island.
This was done because Diego Garcia had been selected as the site for a large military installation that was to play a significant role in the Cold War. The native Chagossians were removed in a ...
The island is named Diego Garcia, the biggest little island in the Indian Ocean’s isolated Chagos Archipelago. Never heard of it? Consult the map — it’s south of India and kinda sorta ...
“I just don’t get why… the people who were removed from Diego Garcia can’t go back… but they can go back to other islands,” a ...
The U.K. will maintain de facto control over Diego Garcia, and the crucial U.S. military facility there, for another 99 years. It’s long past time to decolonize the Chagos Islands. None of the ...
On the remote tropical island of Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, lies a secretive, strategically vital US military base The base has served as a launchpad for US military ...
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was inclined to back a deal between Britain and Mauritius over the future of a U.S ...