Here are some estimates for your trip: Miami to Key Largo: The trip can take 2 1/2 hours. Key Largo to Key West: The trip can ...
If you make a left, you’ll head to the ultra-exclusive gated community of Ocean Reef ... at Islamorada’s Theater of the Sea, which also offers a chance to hang out with sea lions, an alligator ...
An alligator bit a woman on the elbow while she was kayaking in central Florida, prompting a major rescue effort with authorities traversing land and air to find her in a remote area. The woman ...
He may be seeing you later, alligator. A 750-pound alligator seized by government agents from a Buffalo-area home could be headed back upstate after a judge determined the Department of ...
Also Katherine "Kate" Walker, who tended Robbins Reef Lighthouse — the stubby red-and-white lighthouse near the entrance of Kill van Kull, which can be seen from the Staten Island Ferry.
Lynora's, an Italian restaurant, is expected to take over the former Alligator Reef Club location. As February comes to an end, Brevard's food scene scored some fresh new places and said farewell ...
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