Selain tersingkirkan karena aktivitas eksploitasi, nomad laut tidak bisa berlindung ke aparat karena persoalan kependudukan ...
They sent me to school and tried to give the best time of exposure and experiences outside of school as well. Now as an adult, I don’t think I could have asked for a better educational experience ...
For centuries, the Sea People, which consist of ethnic group communities such as the Sama Bajau Laut (Sea Gypsies) and the Orang Suku Laut Riau, have roamed the waters of Southeast Asia ...
So they attend Etania — one of the several hundreds of educational institutions known as alternative learning centres (ALC) — ...
An estimated 300,000 marginalised children in Sabah lack access to formal education, forcing many onto the streets ...
Aktivtas tambang di Pulau Kabena menghadirkan nestapa. SIsa ore nikel dengan logam berat mencemari pesisir dan ancam ...
TANGERANG, KOMPAS - Selama lebih dari tiga pekan, ratusan prajurit TNI AL bekerja keras di perairan Tangerang, Banten, untuk membongkar pagar laut sepanjang 31,16 kilometer yang telah lama menghalangi ...
Sebanyak 4.600 penumpang turut terombang-ambing mengikuti goyangan ombak. Situasi yang normal. Bagi yang pertama kali mengalami menumpang kapal laut bisa bikin mabuk laut. Wajahnya pucat. Berkeringat.