New York City Mayor Eric Adams disclosed on Tuesday that he has been avoiding news consumption for the past four weeks.
Mayor Eric Adams, facing mounting scandals and plummeting approval ratings made a stunning revelation during his weekly press briefing on Tuesday.
Mayor Eric Adams is on a diet – from the news. The embattled Adams revealed Tuesday that he hasn’t read or listened to the news during the tumultuous past four weeks “I sleep so much better, ...
New York City's controversial mayor, Eric Adams', keeps his personal life fairly private; however, he does have a long-term ...
He promised law and order. Instead, his scandal-ridden mayoralty became a symbol — and engine — of the city’s chaos.
The biggest chunks of Eric Adams’ fortune look to be largely illiquid, potentially complicating his fight against charges of ...
Two Democratic lawmakers say they're launching an investigation into the Justice Department's move to drop its corruption ...
A news anchor questioned Adams on what he meant specifically by using the word. New York City Mayor Eric Adams is facing questions over his recent use of the word “negroes” during a Black ...
Mayor Adams talks a big game about rolling back NYC’s sanctuary laws, but he refuses to direct his Charter Revision Commission to put the controversial issue on the ballot for voters to decide.
NEW YORK — About 40 percent of the $7.5 million reported as sitting in New York Mayor Eric Adams’ reelection campaign coffers isn’t accounted for with finance paperwork, new records obtained ...
A news anchor pressed New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) over his use of the word “Negroes” at a Black History Month event. At a reception celebrating the month, the embattled Adams ...
NEW YORK (WABC) -- The corruption case against New York Mayor Eric Adams should be dropped because of "an extraordinary flurry" of leaks by prosecutors, his attorney said in a new court filing ...