A Neshannock Township man is in the Lawrence County jail after he reportedly threatened officers and caused destruction inside the police station.
The victim told investigators it began with an inquiry emailed to him about an allegedly fraudulent charge on the victim’s ...
A slick con artist posing as a PayPal agent scammed a 74-year-old Pennsylvania man out of nearly $700,000 in gold and cryptocurrency, authorities revealed on Friday, Feb. 28.Hirtik Hemchand Khatri, 24 ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Lawrence Township school officials say their weapons detection system successfully identified and prevented a ...
A 15-year-old student was arrested after a gun detection system stopped him from entering Lawrence North High School with a loaded pistol.
Roughly 45 firefighters from 10 different departments and 150,000 gallons of water were needed to put out a storage barn fire ...
Lawrence Police confirmed the teen was taken into ... Director of Communications for the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township, said in a statement that the weapons detection system ...
The 74-year-old victim from Whitehall Township was initially ordered to make the repayment through Bitcoin kiosks.
Scott Pelton, 27, entered guilty pleas before Visiting Judge W. Wyatt McKay to charges of felonious assault, a second-degree ...
Two members of a Beaver County family are facing charges for the reported severe neglect of horses they harbored on a Neshannock Township farm. Neshannock Township police this week filed multiple ...