Cosmological data suggest unexpected masses for neutrinos, including the possibility of zero or negative mass.
Iron carried in clouds of Saharan dust blown across the Atlantic Ocean is increasingly available to tiny life forms the further it travels.
Feltman: For Science Quickly, I’m Rachel Feltman ... And Eratosthenes didn’t even need a world map or a fleet of ships or all the colonial riches of the Spanish Empire to figure it out either. All he ...
Explore a future filled with exciting technology and hands-on learning through Central Wyoming College’s Geospatial ...
Participants in the 2024 COBALT bioregional learning journey shared some wisdom during a pit stop at the Schiller Coastal ...
Korean researchers have invented a 'cat's eye' camera that sees in low light conditions and distinguishes objects from ...
A new catalog providing information on millions of distant galaxies, which determines their distances with unprecedented ...
The image above shows a striking cloud pattern sculpted by gravity waves, which are common ripples in both Mars' and Earth's ...
It’s hoped that the study will open the door to advancements in horse health, disease prevention and performance ...
The Church publishes the Monitor because it sees good journalism as vital to progress in the world. Since 1908, we’ve aimed “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind,” as our founder, Mary Baker ...
Recent analysis of JunoCam images has revealed a new, large volcanic formation on Io, showcasing significant geological ...
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks of the atom's nucleus -- particles called hadrons that most of us would ...