Some of them were actually involved with the organization of getting the City of St. George organized and running and they ...
BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — The city of St. George will be in the southern tip of East Baton Rouge Parish. Residents have ...
Well, the honeymoon is over in St. George. The state's newest city, with 80,000 or so residents, has had its first major political controversy. Obviously, I'm not counting the yearslong legal ...
The attacks on the St. George Home Rule Charter (HRC) aren’t about policy. They’re about personal agendas and misinformation. Some critics believe they alone should lead St. George and that only they ...
ST. GEORGE, La. (WAFB) - The St. George Fire Department says a Friday morning, Feb. 7, fire found in the boy’s restroom of an elementary school was intentionally set by a student. According to ...
The new city of St. George is taking shape ... Today’s episode of Louisiana Considered was hosted by Karen Henderson. Our managing producer is Alana Schrieber. We receive production and ...
ST. GEORGE, La. (WAFB) - Low frequency, high consequence means it’s something first responders don’t see often, but when they do, it has a large effect on the people or communities involved.
It’s time to set the record straight. The St. George Home Rule Charter is under attack by people who either don’t understand how government works or are deliberately misleading the public. The worst ...