The Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medals recognize the exemplary contributions of recipients to the endeavors in which ...
Thomas Jefferson is an enigma among American historical figures. He was one of America’s founding fathers, and the principal ...
The faculty presents the Thomas Jefferson Prize in Natural Philosophy to a deserving undergraduate student. The prize has been endowed by the trustees of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation of ...
Since the Hoover-FDR New Deal, members of Congress and presidents from both major political parties have failed to uphold ...
Thomas Jefferson is a two-part portrait of our ... Jefferson made himself into a true renaissance man – a scholar, a philosopher, a diplomat, an aesthete, and an architect.
Opinion: The crucial first step in righting the Ship of State, created and empowered solely by the Constitution is an ...
It was trial by combat, waging war against deadlines each day, editing and rewriting everything from police and traffic ...
Until recently, a philosophy doctoral student looking for a dissertation subject would likely choose from an impressive but limited group of ...
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” —Edmund Burke (1729-1797) ...
A conversation with Eve L. Ewing about the schoolhouse’s role in enforcing racial hierarchy and her book Original Sins.