Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) has summoned state-owned energy company Pertamina to a meeting on March 12 to ...
Netizen are feeling disappointed with Pertamina, demand compensation and encourage buying fuel from private gas stations.
The two who were named by the Attorney General’s Office include Riva Siahaan - who is the president director of Pertamina ...
Indonesia's state energy firm Pertamina said a fire that broke out at its Cilacap refinery complex on Thursday has been extinguished and the refinery's operation is not affected , the company said. A ...
Indonesia's Attorney General's Office arrested two executives at a unit of state energy firm Pertamina on charges of alleged corruption related to fuel quality, following other arrests earlier this ...
Jakarta. The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) is investigating the possible involvement of oil tycoon Mohammad Riza Chalid in ...
The Indonesian government has expressed its support for the law enforcement measures taken by the Attorney General's Office ...
The price of 95-octane fuel in Indonesia is recorded at US$0.79 or around Rp13,000 per liter. This means that fuel prices in ...
Inpex Corp , Japan's biggest oil and gas explorer, says it has received interest to buy liquefied natural gas from its $20 ...
JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Indonesia's attorney general's office has arrested three executives at units of state-owned energy firm ...
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