"You see, you've got a problem with the electricity in your noggin. I know it's confusing, but try not to flip out or anything." This creative short film created by Case Jernigan is a very personal ...
"A woman has to save herself however she can. A woman has to be resourceful. Always." Indeed. AMC has revealed an official ...
"There will come a time when these days will be looked back on as happiness." Juno Films debuted their official trailer for an indie Irish drama film titled That They May Face the Rising Sun, made by ...
"As astronauts, we live on the edge of danger." Screen Daily has debuted a trailer for the documentary film titled Spacewoman ...
"Be careful dude – you can still die." Opening in theaters this week is this crazy fun action comedy about a guy who can't ...
"If I can't get it open, you could just go ahead and kill me?" "Deal." Vertical has unveiled an official trailer for indie film The 8th Day – a crime thriller set in West Texas. Formerly known as And ...
"By the time the sun comes up tomorrow... there's a very good chance you'll be dead." Yep. HBO Original has unveiled the first full trailer for The Last of Us horror series Season 2, continuing on ...
"The Avengers are not coming. Who will keep people safe?" These guys? Doubt it. Marvel has debuted a wacky joke (or not?) trailer for Thunderbolts*, the kooky anti-hero MCU movie kicking off the ...
"People like us billow up around Ratel... like clouds." 🌩 Blue Finch Films has unveiled an official UK trailer for Cloud, the unconventional Japanese thriller made by acclaimed filmmaker Kiyoshi ...
"Kinkade was a performance artist... and he created the greatest performance art piece in our lifetime." Fourth Act has revealed the trailer for an indie documentary titled Art for Everybody, an ...
"He's a badass!" "That's right! Let's play. Amazon MGM Studios has revealed a new featurette promo video for A Working Man, the action movie from David Ayer arriving in theaters in a few weeks. Ayer ...
"Wanna swim?" "Duh!" Trashtown Pictures has revealed a first look teaser trailer for a kinky indie comedy known as F*toys ...