After Tyrone Mason was killed in a suspicious car crash, his family seeks answers after discovering the state trooper gave false information to police that night.
Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman discovered that Trooper Garrett Macario, who investigated the 2024 crash, gave false and misleading information Raleigh police. She told ABC11 that she had ...
Sellers was discussing the US Department of Agriculture's decision to do away federal programs that provided $1 billion in ...
The political pundit explains why "Superman ain't coming" to save Black folks from President Trump. Published 12 hours ago ...
USDA cuts impacting school lunch programs found Kevin O'Leary and Bakari Sellers arguing over "whacking" wasteful spending.
O'Leary said unions "keep mediocre teachers in place in every high school in America when we should be firing them." ...
Sellers slammed Kevin O’Leary’s “whack more” push for additional cuts after the USAD moved to end funding to schools and food ...