Scott Goodman of Farpoint Development hasn't met with the Bears about his plan for a lakefront Bronzeville dome, but he's ...
Developers of a tract of land on Chicago's South Side launched a Hail Mary t keep the Bears in the city, revealing plans for ...
From excitement to calls for a referendum — with a measure of caution in between — views vary among the Arlington Heights ...
The aspirational pitch for the site south of McCormick Place comes as the team struggles to gain traction with its lakefront ...
CHICAGO ( WGN) — First-time renderings revealed Friday show a potential third site for the new Chicago Bears stadium. The new ...
Even as Bears President and CEO Kevin Warren has steadfastly repeated the team’s intention to build a new stadium along ...
The three candidates spoke to a packed auditorium at the village hall Thursday, vying to succeed Mayor Tom Hayes, who is ...
In April, the Bears released plans for a new state-of-the art stadium on the lakefront next to Soldier Field, their current home. The Bears still own the $197 million 326-acre site in Arlington ...
The Arlington Heights Village Board voted Monday night to move forward with its plan to try to lure the Bears out of Chicago.
The Bears have kept insisting they plan to build a new stadium downtown and stay in the city, but all those plans would require significant public funding, something state and local lawmakers have ...
Even as Bears President and CEO Kevin Warren ... Now, both the team and the village are moving forward in studying plans for a potential new stadium and entertainment district at Arlington Park ...
In 2024, the Bears unveiled plans for a new stadium along Lake Michigan, coming with a price tag of nearly $5 billion. The domed stadium would be built next door to their current stadium at ...