Families in Bay Park say they had no notice or input after the city approved a four-story housing development next door.
City planning, as a professional discipline, is often associated with maps or two-dimensional visualization. As an ...
In a fashion somewhat similar to the city’s existing historic districts, conservation districts could create zoning overlays that would restrict architectural styles and residential density to what ...
Ranger Power insists the project will save local land for agriculture down the road, provide millions in tax funds, and have ...
There is no short cut to good zoning in any community through blindly accepting what has been done for another community. The only safe path is a ...
After more than three months of discourse, feedback and criticism concerning the Envision Evanston 2045 draft comprehensive plan, a second draft was ...
Developers of the proposed 31-story tower at 605 Davis St. will face residents for the first time Thursday at a meeting at ...
A new development could bring 8 new apartment buildings next to the Great Oaks complex off Linden Road. Property owner Joseph ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Zoning proposals have residents in two North Side neighborhoods divided. Chicago's Department of Planning and Development is considering changing the zoning for Broadway from ...
Instead, the plan is a blanket upzoning to what’s known as “dash five” zoning, the densest classification allowed outside of Chicago’s downtown core. This change would permit buildings as ...
Lawson said what happened around the Chicago Cubs stadium is only a fraction of what will be created through the 1901 Project. “This is huge,” he said. The Zoning Committee also approved ...
The Long Island Regional Planning Council voted Wednesday to allocate $40,000 for improvements to the Long Island Zoning Atlas.