Shugaban riƙo na Syria ya yi kiran a samu haɗin kai a lokacin da ake ci gaba da rikici da kashe-kashen ramuwa a yankunan da ke goyon bayan hamɓararren shugaban ƙasar Bashar al-Assad a ranar ...
Ministan tsaron Siriya ya sanar da kawo karshen farmakin da suka kaddamar a gabar kogi. Kakakin ma'aikatar tsaron Kanar Hassan Abdel-Ghani ya ce sojojinsu sun murkushe gyauron yan tada kayar bayan ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Chelsea na shirin tayi kan ɗan wasan Sunderland ɗan ƙasar Ingila, Jobe Bellingham, mai shekara 19. (Sun) Chelsea da Barcelona sun nuna sha'awar ɗaukar ɗan wasan gaban Portugal Rafael Leao ...
The Climatic Research Unit is widely recognised as one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. The Unit consists of around 15 research ...
Support for measurement units in R vectors, matrices and arrays: automatic propagation, conversion, derivation and simplification of units; raising errors in case of unit incompatibility. Compatible ...