Tony Bullimore, a seasoned British sailor, survived four days in freezing waters inside his capsized yacht during a violent ...
A 26-year-old man from Washington state who was reported missing in Oregon while climbing one of the most treacherous ...
The day after a driver crashed through a guardrail in Washington, D.C. and fell to his death in the icy Potomac River, first ...
The volunteers risked their lives to venture thousands of feet underground and retrieve their neighbors. What they found was ...
Millions are drawn to these videos which attract countless likes and donations too. The thing to bear in mind is that the ...
A rescue team in South Africa has finished a recovery operation to find more than 200 miners trapped in an abandoned gold ...
The day after a driver crashed through a guardrail in Washington, D.C. and fell to his death in the icy Potomac River, first ...
The family of a man from northern Saskatchewan who got lost in a snowstorm is happy to have him home safe. Jack Ballantyne is ...
When Boston's Muddy River was recently flooded with crude oil, rescuers jumped into action, including a team from the New England Wildlife Center.
To properly purrito your cat, first, place the cat on a blanket or towel, paws-side down. Then, quickly wrap the back and ...
All the way from Altadena to Huntington Beach, the first wave of wildlife refugees are finding sanctuary from the Eaton fire ...
"There’s no training manual on how to get a moose out of the ice," said one of the DEC officers involved in the rescue.