Belleuve-based T-Mobile US named Srinivasan Gopalan as its new chief operating officer. Gopalan will join T-Mobile US in his new role on March 1, 2025, reporting directly to CEO Mike Sievert, and will ...
Traveling international exhibit, “Boliglaboratorium: A Danish Housing Lab,” opens at Portland State University's School of ...
Seattle architecture firm Olson Kundig recently unveiled design renderings for a new hospitality project in Utah.
Construction began this month on HollywoodHUB, a new affordable housing building in Portland's Hollywood District.
Rebounding tech stocks drove U.S. indexes higher Tuesday, a day after they tumbled on doubts about whether the artificial-intelligence frenzy really needs all the dollars being poured into it.
The Washington State Department of Commerce and Washington State Housing Finance Commission released earlier this month a final report on efforts to stabilize rents in state-funded affordable housing.
(SEL) has expanded into medical devices with the production of a tool for detecting the likelihood of autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Georgina Lynch recently joined SEL as principal scientist after ...
Des Moines Mayor Traci Buxton has been elected 2025 president of the Sound Cities Association (SCA). SCA represents 38 King County cities and provides a regional voice for more than one million people ...
SEATTLE — The Seattle FIFA World Cup 26TM Local Organizing Committee (SeattleFWC26) has selected nine locations across the state to host official tournament fan zones. These fan zones will ensure that ...
There's a specific new proposed measure that “would allow residential uses as a conditional use in the Stadium Transition ...
The Seattle Department of Transportation awarded Bellevue's MidMountain Contractors the $4.8 million repaving of about 12 ...
It's happening again. This time it's the two-building Belle-View office park that could be razed for new townhouses.